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QA Automation

This training provides an overview of the most advanced methods for Automation Analysis. You will learn about Java, an object-oriented programming language, and Different data types & Operators, Loops, Conditions, Methods & types of methods, classes, and objects. You can work on the advanced level of Java concepts such as OOPS, Error Handling, Exceptions, and Build Tool, i.e., JUnit, and TestNG. In this course, you will be permitted to work on Selenium Web Drivers, Web driver waits, webform, various locators, tables, frames, browser POPs, Data-Driven Frames works, PageObject Framework, multiple browser executions, etc. You will get to know how to test with API, Approach for API, web service, and SOAP UI. You will learn how to do Code Versioning and different techniques for code versioning. You will also learn about SQL and Jenkins – CI/CD/CT and Introduction to Cloud Computing, AWS overview, and Docker Introduction.

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